That's the thing about addiction, it isn't just a part of your life, it finds a way to become your life. Addiction is not a foreign idea to me, as I have seen it's power in the lives of my friends and family first hand. I've seen it in the patients at the health clinic addicted to drugs, teenagers figuring out their middle school years, and in college students that have lost control of what was once just having a good time. The impact of addiction is also not foreign to me, as I have experienced that complete feeling of powerlessness as you see how it is destroying someone you love and cannot do anything about it. But until recently, I did not believe that addiction would be something that had any power over me personally. I am too good for addiction. I've learned from everyone else's mistakes. Followers of Christ don't deal with addiction. Wrong.
Over the past few months I have realized the parallels between the way envy has impacted my life and the way that alcoholism has affected others. I know that everyone deals with envy on some level, but for me it has transformed from an "every once in a while" sin into a life dominating personality trait. My struggle with envy is deeply rooted in insecurity. Not being sure of who I am, who God made me to be, and why He made me the way I am. It has made me unhappy, ungrateful, bitter, and lonely. It has made me push people away, hide my true feelings for fear of judgement, question God's love for me, and miss out on many of the incredible things happening for me and the people I love. I can't go a day without comparing myself, being bitter about someone else's happiness, or needing to put someone else down to make myself feel better. It has brought the people around me so much pain and I wouldn't be surprised if they are very over it by now. Envy has changed me, and as much as I long to be rid of it, I just can't seem to shake it. Sounds a lot like addiction to me.
So what on earth do I do about it? Honestly, I'm not sure and have been unsuccessfully searching for an answer for many months now (sorry if you were expecting some great tips on how not to be envious, maybe next time). But this I do know...
1) I am a follower of Christ even though I totally don't deserve that honor.
2) I have a sinful nature, but I also have the Holy Spirit within me to be used to do God's will.
3) Envy is not God's will, and definitely not doing good things for me.
4) He has a beautiful plan for me, even though I only believe it about 1/6th of the time.
So all the times I'm feeling envious of someone's dreamy wedding, perfect marriage, exciting sex life, hot body, model-like beauty, killer personality, perfect grades, impossibly high MCAT score, cute apartment, impeccable fashion sense, artsy photographs, steadfast faith, and of course the ability to write the perfect blog, this is what I am going to try to do.... treasure Christ. I will remember that this life is beautiful and meaningful, but it is also temporary and imperfect. I will remember being saved by the perfect Father and that I want that for everyone else. I will remember that God created me and planned my life, not so that I would sit around wanting everyone else's life but so that I would use all the ways he has blessed me to glorify Him. I will remember that God is not a disappointment, He is not letting me down, He has not forsaken me. Honestly, I don't know what He's doing. I am totally having to re-learn how to let him satisfy me and how to see Him in all circumstances, and many days I am failing. But he loves me, and I am growing to realize that maybe that really is enough. Maybe that is more than enough.
This summer I'm learning so much about myself and about how God sees me. I like to see it as sanctification and that it's a good thing, but lets be real, it's very painful and seemingly endless at times. I wanted to start this blog so that maybe one day, when I've gotten through at least some of this, I can look back and see how much He has done and realize that it was all worth it. Something tells me he won't let me down.
Figuring it out,