Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jumping In

I'm sure many of you have heard the song Geronimo (by Sheppard) that has been all over the radio in the past couple of months. Whether you like the song or not, you must admit that it's pretty perfect to blast in the car with the windows down on a beautiful Spring day! Anyway, I personally think the song is really catchy and fun to sing along with, but every single time it comes on I sit there thinking "this MUST be a Christian song..." right? Hear me out on this...

First of all, stylistically it definitely has some Christian music vibes. Repetitive shouting of words? Check. Imagery focussed on nature? Check. Peppy drumming? Check. Group shouting? Check. 

Secondly, it's about putting faith in something, having enough trust to jump into it, a love strong enough to make that risk worth it, redemption of a broken man, someone being set free as they're on their knees... COME ON. THAT IS JESUS. Or at least that's what I keep thinking when it comes on. 

Anyway, I did a lot of internet searching to figure out what they actually were talking about, and all I can find is that it is a little love story. Therefore, I think it's not too creepy that I am seeing so many parallels between this song and my current walk with the Lord. 

Here is the song so you can hear for yourself. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Can you feel it? / Now it's coming back / 

We can steal it / If we bridge this gap / I can see you 

Through the curtains of the waterfall

When I lost it / Yeah you held my hand 

But I tossed it / Didn't understand / You were waiting 
As I dove into the waterfall

So say Geronimo...

Can you feel my love
Bombs away / bombs away / bombs away 
Can you feel my love
Bombs away / bombs away / bombs away 

Well we rushed it / Moving way too fast

That we crushed it / But it's in the past / We can make this leap
Through the curtains of the waterfall

Well I'm just a boy with a broken toy all lost and coy

So it's here I stand as a broken man but I've found my friend
Now I'm falling down through the crashing sound 
And you've come around and you rushed to me 
And it set us free so I fall to my knees
At the curtains of the waterfall

So, my walk with the Lord through the last few years has been rough. It was basically a cycle of ups and downs. In the deepest times of depression, my faith held on by the tiniest thread. I doubted, questioned, scorned, and at times I straight up called God a liar. When the hold of depression would finally wane for a time, He would draw me back and slowly I would relearn His true character. He loves me, He is good, He is trustworthy, He is powerful, He is faithful, and He could redeem my life. It was a painfully slow time of confession and repentance, but also a time of abounding grace. But then the cycle would repeat: depression comes, question everything you know about God, depression wanes, relearn everything you knew about God. 

Because of this cycle, I look back and feel like my faith isn't any more strong, knowledgable, wise, or powerful than it was when I first started college. I'm kind of embarrassed and even a little ashamed to tell people what I've learned in the past few years, because I don't feel like what I have to say is all that impressive. In four years of college I learned more than any normal person would ever want to know about biochemistry, virology, genetics, physics, clean energy, neuroscience, and calculus, but I still only have like 3 bible verses memorized and consistently have to look up what "calvinism" means on google any time it gets brought up. I feel like if "Being a Christian 101" was a class, it would have been by far my worst grade in college. 

It's really is hard to say all that, because I feel like it makes me look pretty bad. BUT. I'm starting to think that it may have been exactly what I needed. With the pride of "knowing a lot" out of the way, there was a lot of extra room in my heart for God to simply teach me about his character. It wasn't fancy or impressive, and honestly was not fun, but I look back and realize that keeping my faith in that state where I felt like I "wasn't learning new things" actually taught me something very important. I came through the hardest time of my life (thus far) KNOWING that God is GOOD. That's pretty much it. I truly still question and wonder and get confused about a lot of things when it comes to my faith, but I can't deny that God is good. And apparently I needed four rough years to learn that, but I don't think God is disappointed with that. So I'm not going to be disappointed with it either, because I feel like the foundation of my faith has been tested over and over again, but it came out stronger than ever. Praise God for teaching me what I need to know instead of teaching me what I want to know. 

So back to the song... when it comes on, it's like I get to hear about God's redemption of my faith. Yes Lord, I can feel that trust in you coming back. Jesus has bridged the gap, redeemed me, and I can see you in that. When I doubted, questioned, and lost my faith, you were holding my hand through it all. I rejected you, but you never left me. You waited for me even when I never planned on waiting for you. I got off course, but you have forgiven me and it is in the past. I put my hope and my value in the things of this world. Things that are temporary. They let me down and broke me, but you still call me "friend". I was lost and you found me. I fell and you rushed to me. I was on my knees and you set me free. PRAISE JESUS. There is nothing I rather joyfully jump into than the love of God. So GERONIMO, I'm jumping in. 

If I hadn't convinced you before, maybe you'll the see the lyrics in a new light now?

Can you feel it? / Now it's coming back / 

We can steal it / If we bridge this gap / I can see you 

Through the curtains of the waterfall

When I lost it / Yeah you held my hand 

But I tossed it / Didn't understand / You were waiting 
As I dove into the waterfall

So say Geronimo...

Can you feel my love
Bombs away / bombs away / bombs away 
Can you feel my love
Bombs away / bombs away / bombs away 

Well we rushed it / Moving way too fast

That we crushed it / But it's in the past / We can make this leap
Through the curtains of the waterfall

Well I'm just a boy with a broken toy all lost and coy

So it's here I stand as a broken man but I've found my friend
Now I'm falling down through the crashing sound 
And you've come around and you rushed to me 
And it set us free so I fall to my knees
At the curtains of the waterfall

If through the toughest seasons, I somehow came out being able to say that God is good, I really look forward to the not so tough seasons. I want to jump in, lean in, dig in to whatever God has for me. It's exciting to have a song as an anthem for this season of life, because every single time it comes on the radio I am reminded of everything I've been learning and hope to learn in the next few months. I can sing it out in the car, scream it out to the Lord, and just bask in the joy of this love story that I get to be a part of. This is going to be fun.

Jumping In!

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